Cook-Mobius Crochet Method CHAPTER TWO Some photos of real topological figures Seamed Möbius twist on two sides of a square, the seam is in green and NOT part of the edge Three views /stages of one Cook Twist on all four sides of a square, no seam YOU HAVE MADE THE BODY OF WORK IN MY PREVIOUS POST, LEARN ABOUT QUANTUM PHYSICS THROUGH CROCHET, it is a paper Möbius strip grown on to row 1, complete. The paper strip is equivalent to the crochet Starting Chain, the first layer of safety pins is equivalent to Row 0 of Stitch, and the second layer of pins is equivalent to Row 1 of Stitch. TOPOLOGICAL FIGURES, COOK-MÖBIUS CROCHET AND NOBLE SHAPES After the beginners' crochet chapters, the bodies-of-work we make will be crocheted Möbius twists/Möbius Rings, and later on Cook Twists/Cook Rings. They will be actual manipulable topological symmetrical figures. You can stretch them and pull them about, but they will remain essentially the same.*** As you grow them on Row by Row, t...